Be Kind
“Use your mind to be kind, be smart-use your heart, intend to be a friend, then do it all over again…”
These wise words came out of a collaboration between myself and 4th graders at Wines Elementary School in Ann Arbor a couple of years ago. The song we wrote has a simple but important message that is so needed in our world today: be kind. While many people in positions of leadership in this country, namely our current President, model divisiveness, hateful speech, and bullying behavior, these young people remind us of the importance of kindness, respect, and friendship.
I was honored to be part of this collaboration and to invite many friends to help the song grow into a single and a music video. Big thanks to Brian Woodring, Charlie Steen, Jamie Rusling, Chris Good, John Driscoll, Alice Sun, and of course to the students, teachers, and parents at Wines Elementary School for helping bring this vision of kindness to the world. Please enjoy and share!
Yours in kindness,
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Hi, I would love to get a lyrics sheet for your song, “Be Kind”. I’ve managed to figure out almost all the words by listening to the video, but there are a few spots that I just can’t quite get. Thank you!
Thanks for your message! I just uploaded the lyrics to Be Kind. Enjoy!
I was about to ask the same question! Thank you for sharing the lyrics. Have a lovely day.
I am an English teacher in Athens, Greece, and I really loved your song; its message, rythm and passion.
Thank you for your contribution! That was really kind!
Great song! Congratulations tu you and all the kids! Greetings from Mexico!
Hi Joe,
I’ve been playing this song for my SEN kids at school. Thank you for the wonderful song.
Regards from Kuwait
Warmed my heart. Thank you for sharing
we do a program in our campground each year and I would like all the smaller children to sing be kind but cannot find a lyric sheet. is there one available. the kids will love the movements which I can show them from the video but not certain of all the words. would greatly appreciate it.
Hey Joe- love this song. I would love to teach it to my 5th grade students. Is there anyway I can get a copy of the accompaniment track without backing vocals?
Thanks Heather, so glad you like the song. Sorry I don’t have the backing track available!
Simplyt thank you-
I love this song ! If you don’t mind letting us use this in NY ! Our PK class if going to give it a whirl !
This song is so beautiful, very well written and composed , Sir,
Great job.